Friday, January 18, 2008

I don't know how many of you will actually read this, as it has been awhile since we wrote anything. I have a question for any of you who do. What is your worst money experiences? I have been doing some reflecting, and the more I do, the more I hate money. God provides for us, and yet we still feel the pressure to chase that dollar at the cost of many other, more important things, such as family and friends. I am not sure if there is a major point to this, other then what I have typed. Take care everyone.



Anonymous said...

Money can be tough. I've learned how it can control your life. If you don't have enough money you are denied almost necessities such as medications. How is that possible?
We moved here, freshly married, and I did not find a job for four and a half months! Wow, and God provided. That was a huge way in which he taught me to trust him.
Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I admit there are times I want to run off into the wilderness and live as a bush man, to be free of the money monkey on all our backs.

I guess the trick is to find the balanace between making enough to get by comfortably (by your own definition) and earning that money in a way that you enjoy.

Still, if I had enough money that I didn't have to work I'm sure I'd be just as busy volunteering!
